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Life After Bankruptcy

Yes, You Can Get A Mortgage After Bankruptcy

For many people, filing for bankruptcy can feel like a jumping off a cliff and not knowing what waits at the bottom. If you are considering bankruptcy, this fear can keep you from moving forward and creating a real second chance for yourself. Among the other things that worry people about life after bankruptcy is whether or not they’ll ever…

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After Bankruptcy, Owning Less Is Often Helpful

Filing for bankruptcy can be an emotionally exhausting process, and building a life for yourself after a bankruptcy procedure is a difficult task. Some of the difficulties you may face are very practical, but others are more personal, and deal with your approach to living and owning property. While many people come to bankruptcy because of circumstances beyond their control,…

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Rebuilding Credit After Bankruptcy

After a bankruptcy, many people fear that their credit will never recover. While it is true that bankruptcies do deal a harsh blow to your credit score, this harm does not last forever, and you can begin rebuilding your credit immediately. If you are considering a bankruptcy and have put it off because of the potential damage to your credit…

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Can I Lose My Job Because Of Bankruptcy?

Many individuals worry that bankruptcy may ruin their professional lives as well as their personal lives. While it is true that bankruptcy often carries some social stigma, the law does offer some important protections to debtors when it comes to the workplace. If you have concerns about your bankruptcy’s effect on your career, the law is written in your favor.…

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Are Credit Cards Really That Bad?

For many people, credit cards are a double-edged sword that might help them out of a tough spot one month, while creating a new problem later on. The truth of the matter is that many people do not truly understand the way credit cards work, and how quickly they can get out of hand. Credit cards are unsecured debt, which…

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Is There Life After Bankruptcy?

Even if your finances frustrate you and the debt you carry is a burden, the thought of declaring bankruptcy may leave you with too many questions. Most pressing of all those concerns may revolve around the uncertainty of what will happen to you after the completion of the bankruptcy. Will you ever get out from under the stigma of having…

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Man Hides Bankruptcy Assets, Gets Jail Time

Bankruptcy offers an incredible, life-changing opportunity to create a clean slate in your personal and professional life and create a fresh start for yourself. However, it must be undertaken with great sobriety and executed painstakingly, or else you may face serious legal consequences. For many individuals, the emotional weight of the circumstances that bring them to consider a bankruptcy can…

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What Is The Servicemembers’ Civil Relief Act?

When it seems that life is assaulting us on all sides, it can be difficult to maintain perspective, or even to identify all the options we have available for relief. When considering bankruptcy, those who serve in the military may be eligible for extra protections that strict civilians do not have available. Specifically, the Servicemembers’ Civil Relief Act offers some…

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How Do I Look Past Bankruptcy And Rebuild Personally?

The prospect of facing bankruptcy can be overwhelming on nearly every level. It is normal, even expected, for you to be weighed down by the process. The good news is that it is never too early to begin looking past bankruptcy and preparing yourself for life on the other side. Building a new life after a bankruptcy is just as…

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Woman Files For Chapter 7 After Failed Holiday Craft Fairs

Bankruptcy is an important legal tool that can be used to grant an individual a fresh start when they find themselves in over their head financially. However, some people see bankruptcy as a means to protect themselves after a series of unscrupulous business dealings. Just such a scene recently began to play out for a woman with a reputation for…

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