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Year: 2018

$40.3 Billion Of Credit-Card Debt Was Paid Off During Early 2018

During the first three months of 2018, Americans paid off more than $40.3 billion worth of credit-card debt according to WalletHub researchers. While this may sound like good news, Americans accumulated $91.6 billion in new debit on their credit cards just last year alone. The amount of new credit-card debt accumulated by Americans during 2017 is the highest it’s been…

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Are There Disadvantages Of Chapter 13 Bankruptcy?

Despite all the benefits of Chapter 13 bankruptcy, such as the ability to start fresh with your finances, there are some potential disadvantages to become familiar with before pushing forward. Here are some things to keep in mind: A Chapter 13 bankruptcy requires you to use a repayment plan to pay some or all of your debts. This can last…

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Facing Financial Problems Due To One Or More Of These Issues?

When is the last time you reviewed the Ohio economy and considered its current state in relation to your own finances? If that question made you shrug your shoulders and say that you don’t recall ever doing such a thing, you are likely not the only one. Many people live from day-to-day without considering how various external factors may impact…

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5 Steps To Get Back On Your Financial Feet After Bankruptcy

Although there are many benefits of filing for bankruptcy, you can’t overlook the fact that this will change your life in a number of ways. For example, a bankruptcy will remain on your credit report for a minimum of seven years. This can make it difficult to secure a loan during this time period. Here are five steps you can…

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You Can Do These Things To Negotiate Medical Bills

If you come to find yourself swimming in medical debt, you shouldn’t hesitate to learn more about the steps you can take to find relief. Many people assume that they have to pay their medical bills in full. They don’t understand that they can negotiate, all with the idea of saving money along the way. If you’re ready to negotiate…

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Have You Thought About These Drawbacks Of Chapter 7 Bankruptcy?

Despite the many benefits of Chapter 7 bankruptcy, you don’t want to push forward until you’re familiar with both the pros and cons. If you’ve yet to consider the drawbacks of Chapter 7 bankruptcy, it’s best to learn more before you take action. Neglecting to do so could lead to disappointment in the future, and that’s not something you need…

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Debt Settlement May Not Be The Best Option For You

As you consider the best ways to manage your outstanding debt, you may have certain options that you have ranked above others. While you still may feel hesitant about seeking any type of debt relief, you may be at the point where you know that your remaining liabilities will only continue to get worse if you do not take serious…

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What Are The Top Reasons To File For Chapter 7 Bankruptcy?

From a financial perspective, you hope you never have to learn more about Chapter 7 bankruptcy. If you find yourself in this position, there’s a good chance you’re bogged down with debt and have yet to find a way out. At some point, don’t be surprised if you realize that filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy will help you reach your…

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What Are The Consumer Benefits Of Chapter 13?

The most common form of bankruptcy available to consumers is Chapter 7, which allows those who struggle with their debt to give up their personal property and submit to some financial restrictions in return for financial relief from debts they cannot pay. However, some individuals have the means to pay their debts off over time, but still need structure to…

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Is Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Your Best Debt Relief Option?

Juggling finances can be tricky at best and overwhelmingly stressful if your money train derails. That said, you’d be hard-pressed to find anyone in Ohio or the nation, for that matter, who hasn’t experienced financial struggles at some point in life. The most critical issue is how aware of your options you are when financial problems hit and also how…

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