Helping You Get Peace Of Mind And Start Fresh Is Our Priority

Month: November 2017

Bankruptcy On The Rise Among Older Americans

Regardless of how you identify politically, there’s a good chance that you and nearly everyone else in the country can agree on at least one thing: the cost of healthcare is currently very high. For many seniors, the costs of healthcare are gutting their retirements, leaving them with barely any resources once they pull through an injury or sickness. In…

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Bankruptcy May Offer More Benefits Than Other Debt Relief Options

Throughout your life you may have heard stories of people who found themselves in difficult financial situations. These stories may have resulted in you becoming very aware of your own finances as you became an adult, and you may have worked hard to stay on top of your financial obligations. However, just like any other Ohio resident, you could find…

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Can My Landlord Evict Me During My Bankruptcy?

If you rent your living space rather than own it, it is important to understand your options and rights as a tenant when you consider bankruptcy. Depending on many factors in your rental history and your financial needs, you may need to take very specific actions to receive all the benefits a bankruptcy offers. Bankruptcy can help you get back…

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What Can You Do When Threatened With Repossession?

Many Ohio consumers have at least some debt, but you may find that you are in a position in which you can no longer effectively manage the debt that you have. There are many unpleasant consequences to having debt, unpaid bills and owed balances, and one of these is the threat of repossession of your vehicle. Depending on the types…

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Have You Been Sued Over A Debt?

Few events have the power to ruin your whole week like learning that another party is suing you over a debt. Depending on the nature of the claim, you may want consider a number of responses, as well as remedies to the debt as a whole. First, it is important to establish the validity of the claim. If, for instance,…

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